Rural Education Society's
(Arts, Commerece, Science)
Tal - Karjat, Dist - Ahmednagar
Affiliated to SPPU | NAAC Accredited with B
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The Institution adheres to the Academic Calendar including for the conduct of C.I.E.
Response: institutional level CIE adheres to various reforms which includes the two internal assessments, is taken apart from these two units tests are held for the students. Coursewise assignments are taken from the students. The library and the departments maintain the semester- end question papers. From 2017 onwards all the departments are doing the question paper workshop. The CIE also is catered with the parent university which includes the semester-End examination, the project viva-voice; this keeps the student on constant evaluation.
The Institution adheres to the University Academic Calendar and the Action Plan prepared by the College on the basis of the former. The continuous Internal Evaluation is assessed at two levels by the Institution,
1) Institution Level
2) University Level
Institution Level: The College with respect to the University guidelines and the Action Plan prepared holds the I and II Theory Internal Tests for the Students for 20 and 80 Marks respectively. This further is followed with the format of given by the Parent University for the respective Courses. The Practical Exams; Internals are held by the College and the Externals are held under the scrutiny of the External Examiner appointed from the University . The Unit Tests are also conducted for the Students by all the U.G. Departments for the Slow Learners criteria set by the College. The Self-Study Course of 02 Credits introduced for the P.G. Programmes of Science Streams for II and III Semester by the Parent University engage the students for a specific study chosen by the respective Departments at College-level. The entire Paper Credits are evaluated by the Faculty of the Department and the Final Marks are sent to the University. The 06 COP Courses every Academic Year prearrange the students with the Examinations and Results are given to the Students. The 22 Value-Added Courses conduct Exams for the Students and Certificates are issued. The PDCS , Computer Application and Indian Constitution Courses for all the U.G. Programmes hold the evaluation in the MCQ Pattern. This regulates in with the different modes of Evaluation process amongst the Students. The Question Paper Workshop conducted by all the U.G. Arts Courses to their respective Department Students implement the Students with the methodology of the question Pattern and the answering procedures. The Pradhan Mantri Pareeksha Ki Charcha an initiative of HRD of India, held Live Shows of the motivational Speech by our Honourable Prime Minister since 2018 -19 and 2019-20.These Speeches were screened by the IQAC in the Seminar Hall for all stream Students of our College.
University Level: The College has the Exam Center status and it facilitates assistance to the further Post- Exam related Student grievances regarding, Errors in Marks or corrections in Marks Card and issues relating to Revaluation, Recounting and Photocopy of the Answer Sheet that a student may encounter. The Convocation Forms, Notification, Processing and submission was earlier carried by the College. Presently, the Students are infusing it through their Online Student Portal but still the Notification is given to the Students through the Social Media platforms wherein the Students are Connected to the Department and the College. The Institution right from the Admission of the new Entrant to the Convocation administers and calculates minutely the progress of the Student and the Post Graduate Departments constantly keep track of their Students progression in their further future prospects. Thus the 3600 continuous Internal evaluation of Knowledge-based education is rendered to the Students of the Institution.
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