Exam related Grievances & ATR
Exam Grievance cell- for Internal Examination and University Examination
The college has a well structured and dynamic Internal Examination Grievance Cell, linking students with the faculty in the continuous evaluation process. The cell follows the guidelines of the affiliated university mutatis mutandis for conducting internal examination and redressing grievances.
- Internal examination for every semester is conducted prior to the university examination.
- Time table is prepared after consulting the Principal.
- Proper seating arrangement for each class is made.
- All the necessary steps are taken to avoid malpractices in the examination hall.
- Answer sheet is handed over to the faculty through HOD.
- Monitor the internal examination process.
- To solve the student's grievances related to internal examination.
- To solve the teacher's grievances related to internal examination.
- Timely conduction of retest for the needy, based on the guidelines from affiliated university.
Procedure for grievance redressal.
- Students have to approach Internal examination In-charge.
- An application duly stating the grievance is to be submitted to the examination department.
- Having gone through the application, the exam department will forward it to the Principal.
- The Principal in consultation with the concerned faculty will examine it in detail, make a remark on the application before sending it back to the examination department.
- After taking necessary steps, students will be examined.
The process is completely transparent.