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Mechanism of internal assessment is transparent and robust in terms of frequency and variety (286) Response:
The college has transparent and robust evaluation process in terms of frequency and variety. In order to ensure transparency in internal assessment, the system of internal assessment is communicated with the students well in time. The Principal holds meetings of the faculties and directs them to ensure effective implementation of the evaluation process. At the entry level, admissions are given purely on merit basis and the lists of merit students are displayed on Notice board. Students who are admitted for the concerned course are assessed continuously through various evaluation processes at college and University level. Continuous evaluation is made through Group Discussion, Unit Tests, Assignments Submission, Field Visit / Field Work and Seminars Presentation. Unit tests are conducted regularly as per the schedule given in academic calendar. The weightage for the unit tests varies as per the concerned faculty. The performance of the students is displayed on the Notice board and communicated to the students. Personal guidance is given to the poor performing the students after their assessment. Students appearing for Second /third year are asked to deliver the seminars of the concerned subject. Topics are given by their teachers to the students to prepare for power point presentation. For transparent and robust for internal assessment, the following mechanisms are conducted Internal Examination Committee. Question Paper Setting. Conduct of Examination Result display Interaction with students regarding their internal assessement. The method of internal assessment helps the teachers to evaluate the students more appropriately. Due to internal assessment, the interest of the student towards learning and attending the classes has been also increased. It has created the interest among the students to take active participation in various co-curricular and extra-curricular activities for their overall personality development. The seminar presentation improves the communication skills of the students which is very essential to face the interviews. In this way mechanism of internal assessment is transparent and robust.
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