Vision & Mission
- To enable the student to grow individually and develop their academic, social, moral and
life skills.
- To empower them to face the global competition and contribute to local, national and
internal development.
- To provide education without discrimination to one and all.
- Technology transfers in rural area.
- Promotion of girl’s education.
- Upliftment for economically backward class students and marginal students.
- To have a clear vision of high standards and to strive to meet them.
- To provide value based education.
- To encourage individuals to be independent, imaginative and resourceful.
- To create awareness about the environment through NSS and other co-curricular
- To create communal harmony by teaching to respect people of different faiths and
- To develop skills of independent learning.
- To maintain discipline in the campus.
The mission, vision and objectives are communicated to the students, parents and other
stakeholders through the Institution website and displayed on the board.